Whew!!! Wouldn't you just love to have a button that you could press and VIOLA you get what you want instantly!?!?! Chances are that won't ever happen (sorry to bust your bubble), BUT I almost felt that way when I developed a new LR preset to use when editing my newborns! Newborn sessions take me the longest to edit...when I say long...I mean 4-6 hours. Sometimes more! EEeeekk. I know, crazy right!?!? So I will use any bit of help I can get. Thankfully I've been working on developing presets for a few months now and finally feel like I hit the jack pot!
Do you have something that you wish you could just press a button and make happen?? What was that commercial a few years ago that featured the "RED" button that people would push??
Have a Beautiful Day!!!
Norma Mitchell {Newborn Photographer, Oahu Hawaii}
Below are a couple Before & Afters :) What do you think??
Photographers: Would you be interested in a tutorial on how I do this using my presets and custom brushes??? All done in Lightroom!!!
I would be interested <3